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CPER Schools Funding Conference

  • NSW Teachers Federation Conference Centre 37 Reservoir Street Surry Hills, NSW, 2010 Australia (map)

On the 10th anniversary of the release of the Review of Funding for Schooling (Gonski Report), the Centre for Public Education Research (CPER) is holding a major conference in Sydney to examine the current state of school funding in Australia.

Issues explored will include:

  • the promise of the Gonski Review and what has happened since

  • the relationship between high performing systems and resourcing

  • an up-to-date analysis of the current Schooling Resource Standard funding model

  • the equity areas: the growing gaps and the unmet needs

  • the link between teachers’ working conditions and recurrent funding

  • enrolment projections, student complexity and capital requirements into the future

Ken Boston, Lyndsay Connors, Pasi Sahlberg, Trevor Cobbold, Rachel Wilson, Geoff Gallop and Adam Rorris.