CPER is committed to providing research publications that are for and from the education profession on a range of current and emerging issues that affect public education. Links below.
Published Research
Teachers at Breaking Point CRESI 2022 Report
Gallop Inquiry: Valuing the teaching profession
Impact of Enrolment Growth on Demand for Teachers
Impact of Enrolment Growth on Demand for Teachers in Local Government areas
NSW — Public Funding Schools and the School Resourcing Standard
Understanding work in schools: The foundation for teaching and learning
The profession at risk: Trends in standards for admission to teaching degrees
IT’S COMPLEX! Working with Students of Refugee Backgrounds
Commercialisation in Public Schooling An Australian Study
Towards a new NAPLAN: Testing to the teaching
Towards a Better National Assessment Program
Professional teaching standards in Australia: A case study
Taking the lead - A future for public education
Crossroads - A green paper on assessment policy
Beyond the Crossroads - The future of assessment and testing
If we forget history The thirty year war against public education
Inquiry into the Provision of Public Education in NSW
Published Presentations